Having embraced my creative heritage in later life, I specialised in commissioned pet portraits.  I have since developed a passion for wildlife and nature studies which gives me joy in recreating the smaller details.  I have dabbled in a few landscapes and human portraits over the years but animals are where my heart and creativity lay.

Primarily using pastels, pastel pencils and colour pencils, I also love to experiment with new techniques and materials, including metallic pastels and mixed media, bringing an extra dimension to my work.

  I have won awards for my artwork, and as a member of the UK Colour Pencil Society and the Association of Animal Artists, I deliver demonstrations and workshops in pastel and coloured pencil techniques to local art groups.  When I sell certain pieces of artwork, I donate a percentage to the Born Free Foundation so that the wildlife I paint can also help those protecting the planet’s wildlife.

Based in my home studio in rural Devon, I am often found on Dartmoor and the rolling hills of the West Country searching for inspiration and a cleansed mind.

In 2023 I had to say goodbye to my 19-year-old beloved cat, and since the end of 2023 I found I needed to create artwork featuring subjects that made me smile again, and this is the direction in which I am now happily headed.


Facebook: Caroline Winyard Art

Instagram: carolinewinyardart