Yoke Bauer DiGiorgio
Rockaway, New Jersey, USA

 Freelance Wildlife Artist, Naturalist and Author

 A lifelong commitment to wildlife preservation and providing wildlife a voice / Yoke’s work tells stories of the human connection to wildlife and the natural environment through drawing, publications, art and photography, multimedia projects and collaborations with other wildlife, environmental, and not-for-profit organizations.

 Three years ago, after a 50-year absence, Yoke picked up her graphite pencils and began to draw again.  Using the simplicity of black and white, Yoke strives to create expressiveness and graceful form, and connect us all to the compelling wonders of wildlife and the natural world.  From the Northern saw-whet owl to the Salt River Wild Mustang to the North American jaguar, subjects include primarily wildlife of the Americas.

 “I find my greatest sense of peace during the time spent in the natural environment and being around wildlife. It is where I truly feel the most connected and alive. And I so enjoy sharing its magnificent beauty with others through my drawings.  All sales help offset the costs of my projects and donations to not-for-profit organizations working to save wildlife.”

Use of high-resolution scans of many of Yoke’s drawings and/or archival prints are donated to non-profit organizations for the purpose of helping wildlife and fundraising.

 “I aspire to create and ultimately share my growing diversified portfolio of drawings of wildlife of the Americas in a book."  

Every drawing has a story to tell ...




Nature’s Art Productions LLC / Co-owner




Delaware Valley Eagle Alliance / Co-founder and Director
